
Claims and Communications

$2.22 per claim reviewed


  • Claim review before submission
  • Claim submission
  • Status follow up and resubmission
  • Posting of payments
  • Posting of denials and correction when possible for re-submission
  • Communications of activities which may have lead to claim denial such as bad authorization or diagnosis code issues
  • Patient billing includes a phone number dedicated to your practice for patients to call about their bill
  • A Ticket is created when there is something wrong on the claim that the practice needs to correct. Such as a invalid diagnosis code or an incorrect policy number
  • Tickets are created on our website to allow easy communications and resolution of issues

Paper Charts – No Electronic Records

$1.66 per encounter entered into our claim system


  • Entry of encounter / sale into our claim system from scanned documentation
  • Scans may be uploaded to our website or we will access them in a secure document management system
  • We will then bill and manage the claims for the additional Claims fee of $0.98 per posting

Eligibility and Authorizations

$1.32 per eligibility check


  • Checking on eligibility of scheduled patients
  • Each daily excluding weekends and holidays the schedule is checked and all patients for the next week are verified
  • Authorizations and a summary of the amounts to collect are posted into your system if available
  • Messages are sent to your office for patients failing eligibility to contact for updated information